Monday, October 19, 2009

Slide Show:)

Another Weigh In

As of October 19th. 2009 I am down 7 pounds! I lost 4 pounds since my last weigh in which was Tuesday of last week! I am so proud of myself! Apparently this insulin resistance is going away sooner than i thought!

Homecoming was awesome. Our whole group looked so beautiful, especially Alex. I am going to try to put up a picture slide show so everyone can see the pictures! Sorry for the short blog today! A new vlog should be up shortly!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Watch my latest video!

First weigh in!

Hey guys! So I had my first weigh in on Tuesday and lost 3 pounds. Joy, the dietitian I see once a week said that the reason I only lost 3 and not more for a 2 and a half week span, is because my body is getting used to the new diet. She said what I have is a common problem in most people. Its called Insulin Resistance. When you eat foods that have Carbs in them, the expel insulin. The insulin acts as a key and a hungry cell has a lock. Sometimes the "key" doesn't always fit so the body sends out hunger messages and goes into starvation mode, where it stores that insulin as fat. When the insulin does get into a hungry cell, the cell is then satisfied and works as energy to be burn away. With Bistro MD there are very few Carbs and LOTS of Protein. The reason why is because protein doesn't need a key to get into the hungry cells, it goes in automatically and starts working as energy right away. Joy said that this process takes about 6 weeks and then i will start seeing bigger numbers. I realized that this is why people give up on diets within the first 2 weeks! They don't see any change in their body because they haven't given it time. I would like more people to be aware of this, because it definitely changed my view on diets. So if you are on a diet, as I am, DON'T GIVE UP WITHIN THE FIRST 2 WEEKS, wait it out! I have another weigh in on Monday and I am super excited!

I have some interesting things that i want to share today! My boyfriend Alex is a Senior in High School and tonight is their homecoming game! So far, the team is 7-0 so it should be a good game, I am going! And EVERYONE knows that the next day after the game, there is a dance! So Alex and I are dressing up and going! I'm so excited! We are meeting up with a couple of friends to have dinner at Stir Crazy. Saturday is "My Night" so I am eating out with them! Stir Crazy is great because even though on "My Night" you can have anything you want, within moderation, you can still get a satisfying meal that isn't too unhealthy! Ill be blogging more this week and i will update you on how the dinner and dance went and how my weigh in goes on Monday! Bye:)


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Get To Know Me!

Hey guys! My first video is up. Check it out here:

I hope you enjoy this intro to my life. Check back soon to see more about what I'm eating, how I'm exercising, and if it's working!

By the way, I'm lucky enough to live in the same town as the Bistro MD doctor and dietitians. But you don't have to live here to do the program. Anyone can talk to the company dietitian over the phone on a regular basis. And she's very nice. :)

Tomorrow I go for my first weigh-in since I've been on the diet...wish me luck!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My before picture, can't wait to see the after!!


Who am I?

Hi! My name is Miranda Stewart and I am 18 years old. I am currently attending Florida Gulf Coast University as a freshman, majoring in Nursing. Some interesting tid bits about me are; I am already a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant), I have lived in Florida for my whole entire life, and I am a big fan of Seattle, WA!

To start off the new school year and a totally new chapter in my life, I have decided to change for the better and lose 50 pounds. I plan on losing the 50 pounds by May of 2010, which is also when the school year is over. Almost every college student has heard of the Freshman 15. I intend to not only LOSE 15 but to lose 50! How am I going to lose that weight you ask? Well I found a program called BistroMD which is a food delivery service that provides you with 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. I started BistroMD on Saturday, September 26th and have been enjoying all of the delicious meals! The meals are delivered directly to my door. All of the meals come frozen and cooking them is a breeze. Just pop one into the microwave for 4-5 minutes and there you go! I really took hold of the program because it will help me lose weight and it is convenient when I am running late for class, which is quite often! I will be incorporating a new exercise regime into my daily activities to help with the weight loss. Throughout these next 8 months I will be blogging, as well as vlogging (video blogging) my life and my journey to lose 50 pounds. I will be giving you the inside "skinny" or "scoop", as many people like to call it, on how the food tastes, what my favorite meals are, and how I am going to incorporate BistroMD into my life. Also, you will get the chance to get to know me on a personal level, and walk with me through every peak and valley I may endure. I hope you find my life interesting and this journey to be rewarding and something you might want to do for yourself someday. Check back later this week for a new blog and a new vlog :)
